News and Announcements
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Important Warning:
Data Lock After Application: Attention applicants! Once you have applied for a position, your application data will be locked, and you will not be able to make any further changes. Ensure that all information in your profile and application is accurate before submitting. Once submitted, changes cannot be made, and you will be evaluated based on the information you provided at the time of application. Please double-check your profile, application, and supporting documents.
Additional Requirements:
Please ensure you answer all the questions listed in the application form carefully. Incomplete or incorrect information may lead to the cancellation of your candidature at any stage of the recruitment process.
How to Apply:
- Sign Up: Visit our recruitment portal and create your account by filling in the required details (full name, father's name, CNIC, email, and password).
- Login: Use your CNIC number and password to log in to the portal.
- Complete Your Profile: Fill in your personal information, educational background, and work experience.
- Apply for a Job: Browse the job listings, select the position, read the terms and conditions, and apply. Remember, once you apply, your data will be locked, so complete your profile before submitting.
- Submit Hard Copy and Supporting Documents: Print your application, pay the fee, attach the deposit slip, and send the documents via courier to the provided address.
- Notifications: Check the portal regularly for updates on your application status and upcoming events.
Corrigendum - Assistant Director (Program)
All applicants who have applied for the post of Assistant Director (Program) are advised to review the latest corrigendum. An important update regarding the upper age limit for persons with disabilities has been issued, and it may impact the eligibility criteria.
To ensure you have the correct and updated information, please go through the corrigendum before proceeding further with the recruitment process.
View CorrigendumDear Candidates,
The Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) has published Job Descriptions (JDs) for all advertised positions. These documents outline the roles, duties, and responsibilities for each post.
Candidates are advised to carefully review the Job Description of their desired post to gain a clear understanding of the responsibilities and expectations.
Click the link below to access the complete Job Descriptions (JDs) document.
View Job Descriptions